Those aliens consider themselves as the most smart creatures in
the world. Pff. They shouldn't even have tried to defeat mankind
having such stupid stuff in their heads! As for you, why wouldn't
you hack them? They'll most likely surrender then. By the way, it
is known that they update some data every 10-20 seconds, but
unfortunately our equipment can't intercept the data itself.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<django-objects version="1.0">
	<object pk="12349813568" model="hosting.pagesettings">
		<field type="CharField" name="owner_name">username</field>
		<field type="CharField" name="owner_email">test@localhost</field>
		<field type="CharField" name="page_title">My homepage</field>
		<field type="TextField" name="page_content">Hello everyone! This is my new homepage.</field>
		<field type="CharField" name="page_footer">Made with love and care</field>
		<field type="BooleanField" name="page_is_public">False</field>
		<field type="CharField" name="page_public_id"></field>

いろいろと試した結果、復元時にpk(primary key)を変えた場合にそのpkを持つフィールドのデータを上書きすることができるとわかった。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<django-objects version="1.0">
	<object pk="1" model="hosting.pagesettings">
		<field type="CharField" name="owner_name">username</field>